Saturday, September 8, 2007

Bill Thomas Condemns Abuser Fees

From the Roanoke Times - Cross-posted at It's Gotta Be... Annie B!

Thomas Takes Stance on Abusive Driver Fees

Bill Thomas, the Democrat who's trying to unseat Del. Annie Crockett-Stark, R-Wytheville, in the Sixth District, has issued his first position statement of the campaign.

Thomas says he is against applying the new abusive driver fees to Virginians but not to folks passing through from somewhere else. The higher fees were passed by the state legislature as a way to generate revenue to pay for road needs. The legislation was amended by Gov. Tim Kaine's administration to remove a clause that included out-of-state drivers.

"I believe out-of-state drivers must pay their fair share of the costs of using our Virginia roads," Thomas said in his statement. "Should a nonresident drunk driver or reckless driver be treated better because he/she lives in West Virginia rather than Virginia? Of course not."

Sounds like Bill Thomas supports commonsense legislation, but how about Delegate Crockett-Stark?

Crockett-Stark's campaign manager, Anthony Reedy, e-mailed her stance on the fees to The Roanoke Times this week:

"I am committed to correcting or repealing any sections which have caused unintended consequences that have placed undue burden on the citizens of Virginia," the statement said. "As you know our original bill included ALL drivers, both in-state and out-of-state. The Governor's amendment to remove out-of-state drivers needs to be revisited."

Thomas is for "a fair and reasonable source of revenue" for Virginia's roads. Crockett-Stark thinks the current law is fine -- as long as it is revised to take care of the current concerns.

Delegate Crockett-Stark seems to forget that she and her colleagues had the final say on this legislation and passed it anyway. It is the legislative branch, not the executive, that makes the laws of our Commonwealth. Rather than accept responsibility and pledge to change it, she tries to shirk her own hand in the measure. Where the 6th District could have strong leadership, we get excuses and feeble attempts to shift the blame.

For Responsible Leadership (Or Not) - It's Gotta Be... Annie B!

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