Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Crockett-Stark Campaign Manager: Drunk, Drugged, Or On A Revoked License?

Cross-posted at Raising Kaine

In 2002 Annie B Crockett-Stark's campaign manager and legislative aide, Anthony Reedy, received a ticket and was tried in the Smyth County General District Court - Criminal Division. The charge was reckless driving under Virginia Code Section 46.2-852. Had Anthony Reedy been convicted of the same offense today, civil remedial fees would apply to the crime and force him to pay $1,050. The text of HB3202:

Reckless driving in violation of Article 7 (§ 46.2-852 et seq.) of Chapter 8 or aggressive driving in violation of § 46.2-868.1 shall be assessed a fee to be paid in three annual payments of $350 each;

You might still be wondering why this is relevant to the title. Well, only a short time ago, Delegate Crockett-Stark was quoted in the Wytheville Enterprise...

Crockett-Stark also said it is important to remember that people won't be slapped with the fees for simple traffic violations, saying that in general someone has to be "drunk, drugged or on a revoked license" to be affected by the fees.

Lets see... the offense, if committed today, is eligible for abuser fees. In order to be subject to them, according to Delegate Crockett-Stark, you have to be drunk, drugged, or on a revoked license. If she's telling the truth about abuser fees Anthony Reedy would, per her own words, have to have been drunk, drugged, or on a revoked license in 2002... Hardly the type of person we want handling legislative affairs for the 6th District, wouldn't you agree?

If she's lying or simply doesn't understand the legislation, that seems almost worse by comparison. If she doesn't even understand the bill, how can she hope to explain it to her constituents? I don't know about you, but I find her campaign of misinformation to voters and constituents simply appalling.

It's probably closer to the truth that Delegate Crockett-Stark has no clue what she voted on. Not surprising, given what she said in the Roanoke Times not so long ago...

"Truthfully, the hardest thing for me is learning to read the bills," she said in an interview last week.

She once marched into the office of House Majority Leader Morgan Griffith, R-Salem, with a bill and said: "Tell me what I just read."

Is Annie B trying to pull the wool over our eyes, or is unaware of the consequences of bad legislation she voted on? What's the real story behind her campaign manager's accident? You be the judge.

For Responsible Legislating (Or Not) Its Gotta Be... Annie B!

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Crockett-Stark's Campaign Theme: Coming Soon

Cross-posted at Raising Kaine!

Not surprising, coming from the same delegate who failed to pass a single piece of legislation in 2007. I've got a suggestion for her though that's true, catchy, and straight to the point...

"You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet"

For Effective Leadership (Or Not) - It's Gotta Be... Annie B!!

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Bill Thomas Condemns Abuser Fees

From the Roanoke Times - Cross-posted at It's Gotta Be... Annie B!

Thomas Takes Stance on Abusive Driver Fees

Bill Thomas, the Democrat who's trying to unseat Del. Annie Crockett-Stark, R-Wytheville, in the Sixth District, has issued his first position statement of the campaign.

Thomas says he is against applying the new abusive driver fees to Virginians but not to folks passing through from somewhere else. The higher fees were passed by the state legislature as a way to generate revenue to pay for road needs. The legislation was amended by Gov. Tim Kaine's administration to remove a clause that included out-of-state drivers.

"I believe out-of-state drivers must pay their fair share of the costs of using our Virginia roads," Thomas said in his statement. "Should a nonresident drunk driver or reckless driver be treated better because he/she lives in West Virginia rather than Virginia? Of course not."

Sounds like Bill Thomas supports commonsense legislation, but how about Delegate Crockett-Stark?

Crockett-Stark's campaign manager, Anthony Reedy, e-mailed her stance on the fees to The Roanoke Times this week:

"I am committed to correcting or repealing any sections which have caused unintended consequences that have placed undue burden on the citizens of Virginia," the statement said. "As you know our original bill included ALL drivers, both in-state and out-of-state. The Governor's amendment to remove out-of-state drivers needs to be revisited."

Thomas is for "a fair and reasonable source of revenue" for Virginia's roads. Crockett-Stark thinks the current law is fine -- as long as it is revised to take care of the current concerns.

Delegate Crockett-Stark seems to forget that she and her colleagues had the final say on this legislation and passed it anyway. It is the legislative branch, not the executive, that makes the laws of our Commonwealth. Rather than accept responsibility and pledge to change it, she tries to shirk her own hand in the measure. Where the 6th District could have strong leadership, we get excuses and feeble attempts to shift the blame.

For Responsible Leadership (Or Not) - It's Gotta Be... Annie B!

Friday, September 7, 2007

Crockett-Stark In Denial About Donor Insult

Cross-posted at Raising Kaine, a recent article from the Roanoke Times

Delegate's Staffer Fired Over Web Post

It's happened again: Del. Annie Crockett-Stark's campaign has been struck by a young staffer's Internet postings.

Two years ago it was LyAnna Johnson blogging about campaigning in a district that includes Bland County and parts of Pulaski, Giles, Tazewell and Wythe counties. Johnson wrote of trolling for votes among "rednecks" who resembled Bigfoot and freak show tattooed men who lived in places that looked like horror movie sets.

This time it was Elisabeth Beamer whose Facebook page quoted the Republican Crockett-Stark referring to campaign contributors as -- well, as something that can't be repeated in this publication.

Perhaps it's best described as the R-rated version of "doo-doo head." Crockett-Stark says she never made the statement.

Johnson was from Odessa, Texas by way of Washington, D.C. She came to Southwest Virginia with a freshly printed political science degree and a recommendation from a Republican at the state level.

Beamer is a local -- a Christiansburg High School graduate -- with a freshly printed political science degree and experience as political director of the College Republican Federation of Virginia. She spent some time in D.C., too.

This is another playing out of the love-hate relationship political campaigns have with folks like Johnson and Beamer, said Craig Brians, an associate professor of political science at Virginia Tech, Campaigns depend on enthusiastic, not-yet jaded staffers and volunteers eager to work long hours for short pay -- or no pay at all.

"The drawback with them," Brians said, "is they might not always have the best judgment.

"Many of them, contrary to everything they should know about the Internet, they think of it as a place where they can carve out this very personal space."

Beamer's page told people she likes hip-hop, "The West Wing," Rudy Giuliani and "Are You Smarter than a Fifth Grader?"

It also included a list titled "Elisabeth and Anthony's Campaign 101." It began with "Drinking is not conducive to success" and ended with, "You know you've hit it big when your candidate starts referring to fundraising as [doo-doo head] raising."

That's an error common among people networking online, according to Robert McGee, a Virginia Tech professor who teaches about media's effects.

"They use it to present an image to a certain audience," he said, "and they tend to forget that's not the only audience that's out there."

University of Virginia politics professor Larry Sabato said he warns students about this kind of thing all the time.

"They think they're communicating with their friends," Sabato said. "Sadly, a lot of people who go to these pages are anything but their friends."

Sabato ticked off a list of national political figures in trouble for various missteps to illustrate that Beamer's offense -- while she certainly shouldn't have committed it -- might seem small.

"In the universe of sins, I'd say that ranks right down there at the bottom of the list," he said.

However, Crockett-Stark -- in a race this year against Democrat Bill Thomas in the 6th District -- judged it serious enough to fire Beamer. The delegate issued an e-mail statement through campaign manager Anthony Reedy.

"I did not make the alleged quote on my former employee's Facebook page," the statement said. "When the issue came to my attention, I immediately met with Ms. Beamer and decided that it would be best if she no longer worked for the campaign.

"She informed me that it was meant as a private joke to a friend. She has apologized to me personally. I appreciate the work she did for my campaign and wish her well in the future."

Crockett-Stark said in 2005 that she didn't know what a blog was until she heard about Johnson's. A blogger -- at "It's Gotta Be ... Annie B!" and "Raising Kaine" -- spread the news about Beamer's Facebook page. ("Raising Kaine" calls itself "The Voice of Progressive Virginia." "It's Gotta Be ... Annie B!" is an anti-Crockett-Stark site that says it's been "Setting the record straight on the 6th District's do-nothing delegate since 2007.")

Someone -- he doesn't remember who -- e-mailed a link to Frank Kilgore, whom the Virginia Public Access Project lists as Crockett-Stark's largest individual donor this election cycle.

"Obviously, it's very offensive and insulting," Kilgore said. Crockett-Stark's denial isn't enough to erase the offense, in his opinion.

"Until this young lady says, 'I made it up,' " Kilgore said, "I have to feel there's some validity to it."

Beamer didn't answer e-mails requesting an interview.

Someone answering the phone at her parents' home said, "It's for you" a moment before the line went dead. When someone answered a second call moments later, that person said Beamer wasn't there.

Beamer no longer has a Facebook page.

"I'm sorry she lost her job," Sabato said of the former campaign aide. "But if that's the worst thing she's done, she's going straight to heaven."