Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Annie B. Plays Both Sides On School Choice

Note: Cross-posted at Raising Kaine

Annie B. Crockett-Stark is at it again, this time trying to play both sides on the issue of school choice. During her first run in 2005, Annie received support in the form of mailers from the Family Foundation of Virginia, All Children Matter, and the Organization of Virginia Homeschoolers. Their investment was rewarded in 2006 when she supported HB1843. In the words of the VEA... (emphasis mine)

This bill gives public money to private schools when our state is 38th in the nation in state support for K-12 education. Further, it provides a monetary incentive to home school. This is disastrous public policy. Abusers and addicts will keep their children home for the money.

Where's the flip-flop then? Turns out she was for HB1483, before she was against it.

Shame is, Delegate Crockett-Stark can't seem to stop contradicting herself. Two weeks ago, Delegate Crockett-Stark and her supporters were at the New River Valley Fair passing out report cards from the Family Foundation of Virginia, touting her 95% rating from them. One of their key policy stances? School Choice. Now Annie B. is going around trumpeting her recent endorsement from the VEA who, as we all know, adamantly oppose legislation that directs public funds to private schools

Annie B. is trying to have it both ways on school choice, plain and simple. I can't imagine what she must have told the VEA to receive their endorsement. She's already in bed with the Family Foundation, and we know what they think of teachers...

For School Choice (Or Not) - It's Gotta Be... Annie B!

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